Wallet Transaction List

User can fetch wallet transaction details.

How to fetch transaction details?

The POST request will be send over HTTPS to the endpoint.

In our API Specifications you can find a full list of parameters that can be sent in the initial request.


Pass AuthToken in header for each request Auth API

Sample Request

Sample Response


  • lastActivityId – keep 0
  • verificationHash - SHA256Algorithm.generateSHA256Hash(secKey.trim()+customerId.trim()+lastTransactionId.trim())
  • activityType – Sent, Added, Purchased, Received, Rejected request, Requested, Profile setting changed
  • If single activity, response is in JSON object and if multiple activities, response is in JSON Array (last 20 logs you will get)

How to generate verification hash?

Verification Hash has to be calculated with following combination using SHA256 algorithm and need to be send along with the authentication parameters in each server-to-server request:

Sample Code

Request Parameters

This reference lists all the standard flow parameters to be send in request.

Parameter Description Format Required
cust_id Generated unique customer id on per user sign up N
lastTransactionId Transaction List last id (If no id keep 0) N
fromWalletCurrency User's wallet currency. A3
verificationHash Verification Hash has collected combination of parameters. String Yes
walletOwnerId Provided by Unique id. N20

Response Parameters

This reference list lists all the standard flow parameters to be received in response.

Parameter Description Format Required
responseCode Response code [a-zA-Z0-9] Yes
trackingId Unique transaction Id for Load money operation. N50
[0-9] {50}
orderDescription Unique Order ID for Load money. AN50
[a-zA-Z0-9] {50}
status Response status (SUCCESS/FAILED). A
statusDescription Transaction status description. A255 Conditaional

amount Amount of the transaction. N50
[0-9] {1,50}
billingDescriptor Transaction descriptor A
registeredTime Transactions or activities performed time. N50 Yes
id Unique transaction id for each transaction. N50
[0-9] {50}
currency User's currency A3
fromWallet Sender's wallet name . A255 Yes
toWallet Receiver's wallet name . A255 Yes

List of response code from API

Response Code Message
1 Success
2 Fail
3 Invalid Request